
If you want to represent the club in Area 9 competitions, everyone gets a chance to compete, either as an individual or within a Team.

We ask all those wanting to compete to send a copy of their horse’s passport, including the vaccination page, to us in advance, as BRC are very specific on their requirements, needing all horses and ponies vaccinated every six months. In the event that you are entered but your horse’s passport is not accepted, WGRC cannot be responsible.

We ask that you attend the training sesssion with the appropriate Team Trainer, as they are key to selecting the teams.

The WGRC committee or WGRC members double up as Chef d’Equip at the competitions, to help you on the day and arrange the entries before the competition. Please remember that these people have full time jobs, horses and a family, so please respond to their requests in a timely manner.

WGRC supports our competitors, with the Team Trainer being at the event, when possible, so you can get the best performance.

Where possible at no cost to you, and so you look the part, all those competing ride in a branded saddle cloths and team colours. We also support financially with the BRC entries for those who qualify for a Championship, plus a branded saddle pad is awarded so you are ready to compete.

BRC has created their own tests for qualifiers, championships and special classes such as Pairs, Quadrilles and dressage to Music.  These are available to download from their website.