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Marcia is an accredited trainer with British Working Equitation, and also competes successfully.

The sport of Working Equitation is the ultimate outcome of the development of the horse as a working animal.  It is often associated with the Iberian breeds, but is open and suitable to every breed of horse.  Here in the UK we see a huge variety of breeds competing.

Horses were originally domesticated and trained for farming and herding purposes, work which required them to respond to their rider whatever terrain and difficulties they may face.

The sport is a highly refined and sophisticated demonstration of these activities, but with the added required quality of elegance and speed of execution.

Working Equitation comprises 3 phases – Dressage, Ease of Handling, Speed and at International level, cattle penning.

These training sessions are a great opportunity for you to dip your toes and hooves, and see what you think.

Whilst the International competitions are high octane and amazing to watch, this training will be great fun, and improve the relationship and communication you have with your horse.

You can choose to ride or do the session in hand, so great for any horse or pony, and of any age.

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